Finally Small Business Has An Advantage
We are health insurance champions for small employers and their valued employees.
We help small employers thrive and give them a competitive advantage.
Attract and retain superior employees with BetterBenefits.
Historically, small employers have had little or no options when it comes to group health.
They have had zero leverage and lack the buying power that large employers have. They have zero control over their rates and annual increases and have been at the mercy of the insurance companies that dominate this space.
The only option small employers have had to mitigate costs is to change carriers, substantially reduce benefits, pass on more and more costs to the employees by paying more of the premium, forcing higher deductibles, less coverage, fewer doctors and zero choice or control.
Until now small employers have been forced into “take it or leave it” and now accept large increases year over year.
Small group insurance agents are typically one-person operations or small agencies that lack the resources, experience and technology to serve the needs of their client. Many group agents see their clients once or twice a year and only become visible during the annual renewal when rates increase and the employer is faced with little time to make decisions about their benefits for the next year. Small group health is often an afterthought for the property and casualty insurance agent that handles the health insurance as a favor or to guard the larger commissions from the commerical and workers’ comp policies.
Last To Embrace Technology.
The insurance industry was one of the last industries to embrace technology to ease the enrollment and administration of a rather manual, time-consuming and error-prone system riddled with premium overcharges, lack of oversight and basic billing and service issues. New technology has been developed for larger employees but has not trickled down to the small employer market. Small employers have struggled to keep health insurance and most small employers can’t afford it.
This has changed!
With the passage of healthcare reform, new tax laws and a champion for the small employer, they now have the advantage over the large employer.
You can take full advantage of the most significant change in the history of health insurance that provides small employers with an opportunity not available to large employers.
One Simple Change
These changes allow the small employer to leverage massive premium subsidies that can pay for all or most of the health insurance premiums for their employers with one simple change.
We offer a FREE cost-savings analysis and broker scorecard
In about 30 minutes we can determine if these new defined-benefit health plans are right for your company. In addition, we can provide an industry-standards broker scorecard to help you determine if you are receiving the appropriate level of service from your current broker.